Village Area
The Village Green on Upper Green is the home of the successful cricket club and is maintained by them. It also hosts the Village Fete on August Bank Holiday Monday, a major event which raises funds to support village charities.
The Common Land grass areas are managed in various ways for amenity and conservation purposes giving rise to areas of varied appearance. Access across Common Land is generally permitted with an important proviso that roadways must be of a temporary nature, normally gravel. The maintenance of these tracks is the responsibility of the residents. Trees should not be planted on Common Land without permission. The Parish Council has a legal responsibility to protect the Common Land. Some trees have Tree Preservation Orders applying.
There is an extensive network of footpaths in the Parish, linked to neighbouring Parishes, which provide excellent walking conditions. The headland paths are managed by the Parish Council under a contract from Essex County Council. A good map is the Ordnance Survey Explorer 1:25,000 map, sheet 194.
Most of the immediate farmland grows winter sown arable crops but is home to very varied wildlife; fallow deer, muntjack deer, badgers and foxes being common. The former can be road hazards at night. There is also an extensive population of lesser animals and plants, some very rare and scarce. The Langley Conservation Group exists to work within the village and to study its wildlife. There are also County designated protected verges (marked by posts and discs) which aim to protect rare plant species.